Election Season Do’s and Don’ts
A guide for Sailors and Navy civil servants With presidential and congressional elections approaching, the Navy encourages every one of us to exercise our right to vote. Just as important is the right to free speech. But we also have the right to be free from political pressure while we’re at work. That means being …
Elections Present Questions, but DoD Has Answers
By Yonca Poyraz-Dogan Navy Office of Information As midterm elections are at the door, some guidance on the use of social media, military support of political activities and use of government sources could help to distinguish between official business and activities of candidates. Additionally, how about what to avoid while using social media? The Department …
Elections Present Questions, but DoD Has Answers
By Yonca Poyraz-Dogan Navy Office of Information As midterm elections are at the door, some guidance on the use of social media, military support of political activities and use of government sources could help to distinguish between official business and activities of candidates. Additionally, how about what to avoid while using social media? The Department …