Faces of the Fleet
“Faces of the Fleet” is a collection of images of Sailors serving our country in the greatest and most technologically advanced Navy in the world. These fine men and women are leading from the deck plates and completing missions around the globe. This is your fleet and these are your Sailors! GO NAVY! Sailors proudly …
Faces of the Fleet
“Faces of the Fleet” is a collection of images of Sailors serving our country in the greatest and most technologically advanced Navy in the world. These fine men and women are leading from the deck plates and completing missions around the globe. This is your fleet and these are your Sailors! GO NAVY! Sailors proudly …
Underway for Science
By Dr. Marcus Tepaske U.S. Fleet Forces Science Advisor I’m aboard the aircraft carrier USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77) in a region of the world that isn’t a popular vacation destination for many Americans. The Sailors of the GHWB Strike Group, however, are here willingly, ready to put themselves in harm’s way to …
Faces of the Fleet
“Faces of the Fleet” is a collection of images of Sailors serving our country in the greatest and most technologically advanced Navy in the world. These fine men and women are leading from the deck plates and completing missions around the globe. This is your fleet and these are your Sailors! GO NAVY! Sailors proudly …