Secretary, chief of staff initiate dialogue with commanders on a plan for new officer promotion categories
The memo explains the proposed change and directs commanders to solicit and provide feedback from officers to major command commanders by July 31, with “a final recommendation due to the secretary and chief not later than 30 August 2019.”
SecAF Farewell / Wright-Patterson AFB Storm Damage / F-35 Deploy
Today’s look around the Air Force features Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson’s farewell, storm damage at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and F-35 Lightning II deployments to Aviano Air Base, Italy.
US, UAE fly to build interoperability
The U.S Air Force and the United Arab Emirates Air Force join together for a partnering flight in the U.S. Central Command’s area of responsibility. This flight was conducted to build military-to-military relationships and interoperability with the UAE…
Future narrowband satellite capability to transfer to Air Force
In a memorandum dated May 28, Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson and Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer announced the transfer of responsibility for future narrowband satellite communications.
Need for speed: Air Force meets acquisition acceleration “Century Challenge” milestone
The challenge to streamline and accelerate programs was put forth to the service’s acquisition community as the Air Force focuses on adversaries who are rapidly innovating.
Wilson praises Airmen, expresses gratitude in farewell remarks reflecting on her tenure as Air Force secretary
She praised the skill and dedication of Airmen while comparing lessons learned from gardening as a corollary for the qualities that make for good leaders and an effective Air Force secretary. You need a plan; she said; you need friends to help, meaning…
Air Force announces artificial intelligence research with MIT
Beginning this summer, the combined officer and enlisted team representing various Air Force career fields, is expected to work with researchers at MIT to harness the university’s student talent, renowned faculty and state-of-the art facilities and lab…
Misawa AB recognized by DoD for Suicide Prevention for the second year in a row
Misawa Air Base, Japan was recognized for a second year in a row as the top Air Force installation during Suicide Prevention Month. During a ceremony in the Hall of Heroes at the Pentagon, in Arlington, Virginia, May 15.
Air Force leaders strengthen community ties, engage students at JB Andrews Air & Space Expo
Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson delivered opening remarks for this year’s biennial three-day event, which focused on JB Andrews’ partnership and mentorship with local schools against a backdrop of more than 30 STEM exhibits designed to engage…
Air Force to pay up to $500 for spouse occupational license transfer during PCS
The Air Force announced the spouse re-licensure reimbursement program, May 15, which would provide financial relief up to $500 to Airmen whose spouses must obtain state occupational relicensures or recertifications during a permanent change of station …