DAF highlights participation in Disability Action Working Group
The Department of the Air Force Disability Action Working Group helps disabled people by providing an open forum to share concerns and forge better working environments for employees with disabilities.
AF Week in Photos
This week’s photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.
CSAF releases Action Orders to Accelerate Change Across Air Force
In August, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr., released his strategic approach entitled Accelerate Change or Lose, in which he described his view of the strategic landscape as Air Force chief of staff and, from that, his emphasis on wh…
Department of the Air Force restores leave charged during restriction of movement
Effective Nov. 20, the Department of the Air Force announced the ability to restore leave charged to members during a required restriction of movement after Aug. 6.
SpaceWERX launch announced during AFWERX Accelerate
AFWERX kicked-off its inaugural Accelerate event Dec. 7 with an exciting announcement on the formation of SpaceWERX, a new entity that will focus on technologies for the United States Space Force.
Department of the Air Force moves Physical Fitness Assessments to April 2021, removes waist measurement from composite score permanently
To ensure social distancing practices remain in place during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and to give Airmen and Space Professionals time to prepare, testing was delayed from October to January and is now further delayed to April.
AF Week in Photos
This week’s photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.
AF Week in Photos
This week’s photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.
Air Force selects next C-130J locations
The Air Force has selected Louisville Air National Guard Base, Kentucky; McLaughlin ANGB, West Virginia; Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base, Texas; and Savannah ANGB, Georgia as the preferred locations to receive C-130J Super Hercules aircraft to rep…
Air and Space Force’s acquisition chief appoints Rapid Capabilities Office as integrating PEO for ABMS, expanding from startup toward rapidly scaling delivery phases
Dr. Will Roper, Air Force and Space Force acquisition chief, signed a memorandum directive Nov. 24 assigning the Advanced Battle Management System delivery phases to the Department of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office as the integrating Program E…