Limited professional gear allowed during PCS
As the permanent change of station peak season approaches, Air Force officials are reminding Airmen to review the Department of Defense policy on transportation of professional gear to avoid costly charges.
SecAF visits Aviano AB
Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson visited Aviano Air Base, April 24. Wilson was able to directly see and experience the many missions of the 31st Fighter Wing and how Aviano AB supports warfighters and contributes to the National Defense Strate…
SECAF visits Poland to reinforce alliance
Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson gave remarks at the War Studies University in Warsaw, Poland, April 25.
Air Force senior leaders update OCP uniform guidance
The Air Force announced April 23 new rules on Operational Camouflage Pattern uniforms that aim to better fit the needs of Airmen and the jobs they do while also holding fast to tradition.
Air Force announces FY19 Aviation Bonus expansion for Air Battle Managers
The Air Force announced April 22 details of the expanded fiscal year 2019 Aviation Bonus program, intended to increase the number of air battle managers.
Pentagon hosts Sijan award presentation, first-ever resiliency event
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein presented eight Airmen with the 2017 and 2018 Lance P. Sijan Leadership Award April 17, 2019, at the Pentagon’s Hall of Heroes in Arlington.
New Air Force Science & Technology Strategy puts focus on speed
Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson unveiled a new and ambitious Science and Technology Strategy designed to better identify, develop and deploy breakthrough technologies, April 17.
Air Force announces selection process for officer instructor and recruiting special duty assignments
The Air Force announced that beginning in April 2019, officers will be screened and selected for formal instructor and recruiting special duty positions.
New mobile app enables, engages, empowers Airmen
The Air Force now has an enterprise-wide mobile app designed to provide Airmen with streamlined access to information they need for their lives and careers.
Shanahan, Wilson, Goldfein offer views for ensuring U.S. superiority in space
The top echelon of the United States’ civilian and military leadership offered unflinching assurances April 9, that America’s superiority in space will endure even as competition – and the stakes – for primacy intensify.