ABMS signs more companies post onramp
This most recent selections – the fourth round announced in as many months – support an ABMS acquisition strategy that spurs competition from a variety of traditional defense as well as commercial-focused sources and streamlines the contracting process…
Roper joins first Digital Campaign virtual industry day
More than 1,500 people tuned in for the virtual event, co-hosted by Dr. Will Roper, assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, technology and logistics, and Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Jr., commander of Air Force Materiel Command.
AF Week in Photos
This week’s photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.
Air Force improves lactation support for nursing mothers
The updated policy, which is effective immediately, increases flexibility with lactation breaks and also mandates access to a refrigerator for the purpose of storing human milk.
Department of the Air Force pushes fitness testing to January 1
To continue minimizing close contact among personnel during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and ensure units and personnel are fully ready to resume, testing has been delayed from October to January, and testing in January will move forward without obtai…
Department of the Air Force pushes fitness testing to Jan. 1
To continue minimizing close contact among personnel during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and ensure units and personnel are fully ready to resume, testing has been delayed from October to January, and testing in January will move forward without obtai…
AFWERX announces EngageSpace, premier collaboration event for space industry
With its highly interactive format and diverse participants, this event is designed to revolutionize how the space ecosystem works, dismantle the walls between sectors and close the “believability gap” for what’s possible in space.
AF Week in Photos
This week’s photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.
DOD educates military service members, civilian employees on Social Security Payroll Tax Deferral
In order to provide relief during the COVID-19 pandemic, a Presidential Memorandum was issued on August 8, 2020, followed by Internal Revenue Service guidance issued on August 28, 2020, to temporarily defer the withholding of Social Security taxes for …
Department of the Air Force delegates approval authority for nonchargeable emergency leave of absence
Unit commanders or civilian directors may now grant an emergency leave of absence for qualifying emergencies, including the death or serious medical condition of an immediate family member, or any other hardship the commander or director determines app…