First Air Force warrant officers graduate, prepare to enter force
The first 30 Air Force warrant officers graduate from the U.S. Air Force Warrant Officer Training School.
First Air Force warrant officers graduate, prepare to enter force
The first 30 Air Force warrant officers graduate from the U.S. Air Force Warrant Officer Training School.
AF Week in Photos
This week’s photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.
Additional reimbursement authorized for pet transportation from countries with higher rabies risk
In response to the new CDC regulation, the department has updated the Joint Travel Regulations to accommodate service members transporting a household pet during a PCS move from a high-risk country.
Additional reimbursement authorized for pet transportation from countries with higher rabies risk
In response to the new CDC regulation, the department has updated the Joint Travel Regulations to accommodate service members transporting a household pet during a PCS move from a high-risk country.
AETC centers reach initial operational capability
Three newly established centers under AETC achieved Initial Operational Capability, marking a significant milestone in the command’s efforts to reoptimize the DAF for GPC.
AETC centers reach initial operational capability
Three newly established centers under AETC achieved Initial Operational Capability, marking a significant milestone in the command’s efforts to reoptimize the DAF for GPC.
USecAF discusses national defense challenges, inspires cadets at Virginia Tech
Under Secretary of the Air Force Melissa Dalton visited Virginia Tech Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Detachment 875 to discuss national defense challenges and strategies.
USecAF discusses national defense challenges, inspires cadets at Virginia Tech
Under Secretary of the Air Force Melissa Dalton visited Virginia Tech Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Detachment 875 to discuss national defense challenges and strategies.
CMSAF Leadership Library: November 2024
Chief Flosi presents the new CMSAF Leadership Library