AF releases implementation plans for latest diversity, inclusion initiatives
Headquarters Air Force released finalized implementation plans following the second notification to Airmen relaying new diversity and inclusion initiatives on April 9, 2017.
AF releases implementation plans for latest diversity, inclusion initiatives
Headquarters Air Force released finalized implementation plans following the second notification to Airmen relaying new diversity and inclusion initiatives on April 9, 2017.
F-35As deploy to Estonia for the first time
Two F-35A Lightning II aircraft and about 20 supporting Airmen arrived at Ämari Air Base April 25, 2017, from Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England. The F-35As are participating in their first training deployment to Europe. The aircraft and total force Airmen are from the 34th Fighter Squadron and the Air Force Reserve’s 466th Fighter Squadron at Hill Air Force Base, Utah.
F-35As deploy to Estonia for the first time
Two F-35A Lightning II aircraft and about 20 supporting Airmen arrived at Ämari Air Base April 25, 2017, from Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England. The F-35As are participating in their first training deployment to Europe. The aircraft and total force Airmen are from the 34th Fighter Squadron and the Air Force Reserve’s 466th Fighter Squadron at Hill Air Force Base, Utah.
Airmen earn Gen. Lew Allen Jr. Award
Four Airmen received the Gen. Lew Allen Jr. Award on April 21, 2017, during a ceremony at the Pentagon. Lt. Gen. Jerry Harris, the deputy chief of staff for Air Force strategic plans, programs and requirements, presented the awards on behalf of the chi…
Goldfein presents two Air Force Crosses
A 7-foot bronze statue stood prominently over a sea of multicolored berets, flanked by the 21st chief of staff of the Air Force and the Air Force’s newest Air Force Cross recipients.
Two Airmen, whose heroics were separated by 11 years and 100 miles in the same war zone, solidified a special tactics legacy that has seen a great deal of action since 9/11.
Air Force senior enlisted leaders conduct full EPME review
More than 40 Air Force senior enlisted leaders and subject matter experts met at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, April 4-5 to perform an extensive review of all facets of enlisted professional military education during the 2017 EPME Triennial Review. …
AF Week in Photos
This week’s photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.
Astronaut Airman launched to International Space Station
On April 20, 2017, Col. Jack D. Fischer became the most recent American Airman to travel to space in support of the International Space Station mission. He was joined in flight by Fyodor Yurchikin, a Russian cosmonaut.
Air Force, Walt Disney Co. receive operations research award
Members of the Air Force Studies, Analysis and Assessments directorate joined leaders of the Walt Disney Company as co-awardees of the INFORMS Prize at a gala in Las Vegas, Nevada, April 3, 2017, for their pioneering and enduring integration of operat…