Happy Holidays from Air Force senior leaders and spouses
Secretary of the Air Force Heather A. Wilson and her husband, along with Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright and their spouses, wish all Airmen and families season’s greetings.
SecAF, CSAF direct review of all Air Force programs
Air Force senior leaders have directed a Zero-Based Review of all Air Force programs, budget accounts and associated manpower authorizations in preparation for assembling the Fiscal Year 2020 Program Objective Memorandum and Future Years Defense Plan.
Heroic “Spooky 43” aircrew receives the Mackay Trophy
On Nov. 2, 2016, fourteen AC-130U Gunship crewmembers provided close-air-support to a U.S. Special Forces team and 43 Afghan soldiers near Kunduz, Afghanistan. The crew’s persistent fire support, presence of mind and courage during two hours of intense…
Wilson to logistics Airmen: ‘Failing at logistics can bring down the mighty’
Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson spoke about how logistics acquisitions contribute to the success of the Air Force at the 2017 Logistics Officers Association Symposium in Washington, D.C., Nov. 17, 2017.
Wilson to logistics Airmen: ‘Failing at logistics can bring down the mighty’
Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson spoke about how logistics acquisitions contribute to the success of the Air Force at the 2017 Logistics Officers Association Symposium in Washington, D.C., Nov. 17, 2017.
Wilson, Goldfein emphasize need for FY18 budget in State of the Air Force address
The Air Force must have a higher and more stable budget to provide security for the nation, said Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein during the State of the Air Force address Nov. 9, 2017, at th…
Wilson, Goldfein emphasize need for FY18 budget in State of the Air Force address
The Air Force must have a higher and more stable budget to provide security for the nation, said Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein during the State of the Air Force address Nov. 9, 2017, at th…
Active-duty positions added for Guard, Reserve pilots
Air National Guard and Reserve pilots now have 20 more opportunities to fly in order to augment active duty chronic vacancies across the force.
SECAF talks space during POC conference
Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson addressed the importance of the Air Force’s space mission during the 2017 Potomac Officers Club Space Innovations, Programs and Policies Summit in Washington, D.C., Oct. 18, 2017.
SecAF awards Air Force Cross, 10 medals to Air Commandos
Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson awarded ten valorous medals, including the Air Force Cross, to Air Force Special Operations Command air commandos in a ceremony, Oct. 17, 2017 held at Hurlburt Field.