Raymond outlines ambitious U.S. space activities, embraces Space Force as a new, separate military branch
“We’re planning for a Space Force. We need a Space Force. Our nation needs a Space Force,” Raymond said in remarks at a Mitchell Institute breakfast on Capitol Hill attended by influential members of Congress and staff as well as defense analysts, indu…
Esper emphasizes need for military to ‘adapt’ to confront new threats, resurgent ‘great power competition’
The blueprint for success, he said, is the National Defense Strategy, a comprehensive document assembled by former Defense Secretary James Mattis that reshapes the military to address new threats from near-peer competitors while also continuing to pros…
ACC discusses 16th Air Force as new Information Warfare NAF
Air Combat Command will integrate 24th Air Force and 25th Air Force capabilities into a new organization under a single commander who will be responsible for providing information warfare capabilities to combatant commanders with the speed to match tod…
AFGSC commander speaks on competitive edge, long-term strategic competition
Starting with the shift in our nation’s defensive posture as a result of the 2018 National Defense Strategy, Gen. Timothy Ray, Air Force Global Strike Command commander, highlighted the reemergence of long-term strategic competition and great power com…
Acting SecAF Donovan highlights progress in achieving ‘Air Force We Need’ in speech at Air Space Cyber Conference
The Air Force, Donovan said, is making progress even as it copes with new threats and shifting geopolitics. The Air Force is “digging out of the readiness hole” while also embracing the creation of the Space Force as a new and separate branch of the U….
Air Force releases 2019 Artificial Intelligence Strategy
The strategy provides definition, context and purpose for artificial intelligence in the Air Force, and is the service’s annex to the Department of Defense Artificial Intelligence Strategy.
CSAF visits Greenland
Thule supports three diverse mission sets: tactical warning of potential ballistic missile attacks against the United States and Canada as part of the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System; providing space situational awareness by tracking manmade obj…
Donovan visits B-21, X-37B facilities, L3 Harris Technologies
Acting Secretary of the Air Force Matthew Donovan visited Northrop Grumman’s B-21 Design and Development Headquarters and the Kennedy Space Center to review the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle Processing Facility, as well as the newly merged L3 Harris Techn…
President visits troops, North Korea
Reliving the historic moment, Trump addressed troops charged with maintaining stability in the region from all joint services under U.S. Forces Korea at Osan Air Base.
Service secretaries tackle employment challenges for overseas spouses
The joint memorandum directs each service assistant secretary for manpower and reserve affairs to support a tri-service team that seeks to understand the barriers to military spouse employment overseas. The team is expected to make recommendations to p…