First Air Force designated as air component to US Space Command
Following this reorganization, First Air Force will continue to provide uninterrupted air component support to North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command while also exercising command and control over Air Force forces supporting…
2020 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey results are in
The 2020 FEVS included COVID-19 pandemic-related questions; providing participants the opportunity to share their perceptions of how their organization supported employee well-being and work needs during the pandemic.
PT test pushed to July, updates to scoring, physical components ahead
When assessments resume, the three-component fitness test (1.5 mile run, 1 minute of pushups and situps) will be reset with scores calculated on a new three component scoring table. In addition, work is underway to separate scoring into five-year age g…
B-21 Prototype Environmental Protection Shelters construction, test underway
Air Force Global Strike Command and the B-21 Program Office are testing various prototype shelters to identify the most effective and affordable designs that could be used across all three B-21 Main Operating Bases, the depot, and even at forward opera…
USAFE completes CJADC2 demonstration
U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa, in conjunction with the Department of the Air Force’s Chief Architect’s Office, conducted a Combined, Joint All-Domain Command and Control demonstration in international waters and airspace in and around the…
Reduction initiative axes 506 publications, aims to empower leaders
In a letter dated Aug. 29, 2018, the Secretary of the Air Force, CSAF and the Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force explained their desire to empower commanders at all levels to use their best judgement when making decisions to accomplish the mission.
2020 Vice Chief’s Challenge winners announced
The challenge, which launched in February 2020, focused on identifying time-consuming tasks that provide the least direct value to generating combat effects; proposing innovative solutions to streamline current processes through the novel application o…
Department of the Air Force Leaders direct second IG Disparity Review
The review follows the department’s 2020 Racial Disparity Review released in Dec. 2020 and expands its focus into three additional racial categories (Asian, American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander), gender, and one additio…
Reardon to perform duties of under secretary of the Air Force
Acting Secretary of the Air Force John Roth officially designated Reardon as the first assistant to the under secretary of the Air Force.
VCSAF visits Malmstrom AFB, sees accelerating change
Malmstrom Air Force Base welcomed Gen. David Allvin during his first visit to the field as the Air Force’s vice chief of staff, Jan. 29.