AF upgrades to Windows 10
In accordance with the Department of Defense mandate, the Air Force must complete the Microsoft Windows 10 migration by March 31, 2018. Any operating system not upgraded by the deadline will be denied access to the network.
Air Force to institute new method to protect PII
Air Force officials announced Feb. 6, 2018, emails containing personally identifiable information, and similar numeric constructs, will be blocked from transmission unless the email is encrypted. For members unable to send or receive encrypted emails, …
Air Force to institute new method to protect PII
Air Force officials announced Feb. 6, 2018, emails containing personally identifiable information, and similar numeric constructs, will be blocked from transmission unless the email is encrypted. For members unable to send or receive encrypted emails, …
FYI: Blended Retirement System
One of the most wide-reaching and significant changes to military pay and benefits over the last 70 years took effect Jan. 1, 2018, with the implementation of the Uniformed Services Blended Retirement System, known as BRS. Nearly 1.6 million current se…
AF connects ISR Airmen with industry leaders
Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance leaders hosted an industry day Feb. 2, 2018, at the National Reconnaissance Office to discuss needs for future warfare. Airmen analysts presented many of the needs themselves.
Air Force assembles team to explore electronic warfare, electromagnetic spectrum superiority
The Air Force recently assembled a cross-functional group, known as an enterprise capability collaboration team, to explore how the service will continue to lead, operate and integrate electronic warfare throughout the electromagnetic spectrum.
AF Week in Photos
This week’s photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.
Air Force announces next steps in light attack experimentation
Following the Light Attack Experiment conducted in August 2017, the Air Force announced its intention to continue experimenting with two non-developmental aircraft, the Textron Aviation AT-6 Wolverine and the Sierra Nevada/Embraer A-29 Super Tucano, fr…
19th Air Force commander directs T-6 operational pause
The 19th Air Force commander has issued an operational pause for all T-6 Texan II operations to ensure aircrew safety after a cluster of unexplained physiological events occurred at Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi, Vance AFB, Oklahoma, and Sheppar…
AF Week in Photos
This week’s photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.