
Featured Ad Special


Pricing updated 0n 9/2/2019. Discount price ends on 6 September 2019.


Featured Ad Special

The featured ad special ads are highlighted in light yellow, and will generally appear before any regular, or aggregated ads.

These ads DO NOT get the social media distribution like other featured ads in the catalog. They are simply highlighted.

Any misuse of ads will result in immediate closing of the ads, and payments are non-refundable! Ads MUST be written in a way that attracts military Veterans or Military Spouses/Widows/Widowers!

Featured Ad Special pricing is available for a limited time only, and may be discontinued at any time.

Individual ads run for 365 calendar days. This package special includes UNLIMITED featured ads as described above for a period of 365 days. The buyer may cancel or delete their individual ads any time after the ad has served its purpose, but there will be no refund.

All purchases are final, and non-refundable.